Friday, November 04, 2005

Delicious Booty

Persimmon season. You can't stop me now. There are few fruits that are this addictively delicious. There are two different main types: astringent and non-astringent. That is to say, one is yummy and sweet no matter when you eat it (new & hard or ripe & soft) and the other is good only, and I stress ONLY, when very mushy and ripe. These are some GIANT Fuyu persimmons of the non-astringent persuasion.

I should have put some sort of object in the photo for scale. They are the size of softballs! The biggest I've ever seen, and de-friggin-licious. I just ate one. It was still a bit hard, but beginning to go soft. Probl'y the only time this decription is a compliment.

A few years back when I didn't know jack about persimmons, I bought the astringent type, Hachiya. I didn't know you had to let them ripen into a nearly-rotten mush before eating with a spoon (or using in baking - yum!). I cut one up and bit into it, expecting sweetness, and got a mouthful of bitterness. Painful and demoralizing.

Another super fruit that's in season right now is the feijoa. I thought they were guavas, they smell like guava and have a similar texture. In fact, they ARE called pineapple guava or guavasteen in English, and they are related.

One of this fruit's best features is its spectacular scent: fowery/fruity. Like some things in the world, the feijoa is yummy but doesn't actually taste quite as good as it smells. Why is that? The nuance just doesn't completely translate into taste.

They have fancy flowers... might help explain the scent. Bee crack.


At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post. Thanks for the info about persimmons. I'm ashamed to admit (but I did yesterday when I posted my culinary confessions) that I've never had one. Sigh. I'm just afraid of doing what you did and eating the wrong kind at the wrong stage and then I'd hate it and I'd never try it again. I need a persimmon shaman...

At 4:11 PM, Blogger YouGuysKnow said...

Well, the two types of persimmon really are shaped quite differently. Fuyus (the ones you can eat anytime) are sort of short and squat, even when they're big like the ones i found. The Hachiya are shaped more like... um...well, they're more oblong. I see from your blog (excellent!) that you are from SoCal too, so visit a farmer's market and grab some of either. They're all VERY clearly marked and the vendors know the difference. Be brave and get some persimmons - i swear it's worth it. Thanks for reading!

At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the feijoa suffers from having a slightly frumpy (if a fruit could be frumpy) appearance that does not represent what is inside as romantically as other fruit. It seems a little waxy and almost avocado-ey. Nonetheless, a nobel and uncommon fruit...

At 6:41 PM, Blogger Kalyn Denny said...

Very interesting. I have never eaten either of these.

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Cheftonite said...

Try eating a ripe hiyachi persimmon frozen. It can just be scooped out like sorbet.


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