SPECIAL: Still thinking about Earth
This article in the New York Times today talks about the shrinking of the Arctic ice cap.
This is not an environmental blog. But this stuff is really weighing on my mind. I must have contracted the Kyoto virus at that Gore talk.
The thing that's really buggin' me is the resistance to the FACT of global warming and human culpability. This article explains.
I've always cared, but I am late to the game in really taking a hard look. And I don't really know much about the science. But I am trying to learn. Yesterday I purposefully bought 100% recycled toilet paper ( I can no longer wipe my ass with a freshly-cut tree in good conscience), and rechargeable* batteries.
I also called the toilet paper brand I used to buy (love those ripples) and told them I was switching and would come back to them when they manufactured a post-consumer product. Tiny things. But imagine if everyone did the same.
Does anyone know what this means?
It's 100% recycled but the post-consumer content is 10-25%. I don't get it. I know so little. Kinda scary.
Thinking about a hybrid, sooner rather than later, too. Here's what Umbra from Grist says on the subject.
*The Blogger spell check didn't know the word rechargeable!